ACIS 3D, Solids and 3D modeling
solids acis spatial .sat collaboration 3d modelling interchange cad data New facet modeler 3d surfaces
3D modeling, Solids Modeling and ACIS .SAT file support in CMS IntelliCAD®
CMS IntelliCAD® PE Plus edition fully supports Spatial® ACIS solids modeling. Autodesk .dwg 3D solid modeling is compatible with ACIS file format. This means that 3D drawings created with CMS IntelliCAD® or AutoCAD®. CMS IntelliCAD® includes a non-history based, non-parametric-associative and non-direct modeling solids modeler. By being so, it's extremely fast to handle thousands of 3D individual solids entities with CMS IntelliCAD® resulting on a amazing graphics performance experience while handling large 3D files.
Interchange CAD data is a requirement and a reality between collaborative corporations. CMS IntelliCAD® PE Plus is able to import, edit, and export any existing .sat file files up to version 23 allowing 3D entities data interchangeability with other 3D CAD packages like SolidWorks®, Inventor, Alibre® or SolidEdge®.
CMS IntelliCAD PE is able to create 3D surfaces and meshes.
Starting from CMS IntelliCAD® v8.2 PE and above, it's now possible to import *.sat files in to IntelliCAD model view through ACISIN command. Additionally, though not being able to create/edit 3D solid entities, it also supports *.dwg file viewing that include such CAD entities.
CMS IntelliCAD® v9.0 PE and above include the ability to draw and modify 3D meshes using the new Facet Modeler for lightweight 3D drawings.