OEM CAD Software Licensing - Custom CAD - Development plaftorm

intellicad cad software programming oem customize customization development platform oem cad software

CMS IntelliCAD *.dwg file based CAD Software has always incuded an extremely powerful development and PROGRAMMING TOOLKIT. Such programming tookit provides tools to build custom CMS IntelliCAD® software-based applications for specific markets.

The CMS IntelliCAD development toolkit includes Microsoft VBA 7.1 (32 & 64-Bit) development environment, Microsoft .NET 4.5, Lisp , SDS and DRX / IRX programming tools.


CMS IntelIiCAD OEM licensing is provided by CAD-Manufacturing Solutions, Inc. Please use our sales contact for additional information.

Licensing models

Option 1: OEM distribution on build basis.

CMS, Inc. creates a build and installer for your company, with your custom product name. Registry entries and install paths retain CMS identification in order to follow IntelliCAD Technology Consortium internal rules. IntelliCAD trademark notices shall be presented as currently presented on CMS IntelliCAD products as well. Includes software license security managed by CMS licenses server. Quarterly flat fee plus build basis royalty per issued license.

Option 2: "pay as you go"- : OEM distribution on a per license basis.

CMS, Inc. creates a build and installer for your company, with your custom product name. Registry entries and install paths retain CMS identification in order to follow IntelliCAD Technology Consortium internal rules. IntelliCAD trademark notices shall be presented as currently presented on CMS IntelliCAD products as well. Includes software license security managed by CMS licenses server. Royalty per issued license with minimum sales level requirement per month or quarter.