What's new in CMS IntelliCAD 13.1

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CMS IntelliCAD 13.1 User Interface

The New CMS IntelliCAD® 13.1 CAD Software new features, performance improvements and additional refinements. Free trial or demo available at the download section of this website.

What's new:

CMS IntelliCAD 13.1 is a major release that includes performance improvements and new features, with a focus on enhanced reporting capabilities using the Extract Data command. Extracting data is completely refactored for improved performance and additional reporting on drawing properties (such as file size, path, etc.), drawing system variables, and the number of entities in drawings. Users can customize reports before they’re created with more options and now easily update linked report tables in drawings.

Other new features include customizing user interface elements for running and one-time entity snaps, printing to PNG files with transparent backgrounds, using an additional interactive dialog to precisely move and rotate entities with the 3D Positioner command, selecting from new options for the Trim and Extend commands, cloning additional entity types with the Clone command, and restoring hidden program messages individually.

Additionally, LISP and IcARX APIs include enhanced compatibility and improved performance

All CMS IntelliCAD versions support BIM files, and with this new release users create architectural spaces using the Spaces command, and infill AEC entities when using the Section Plane command.

For technical users, CMS IntelliCAD 13.1 uses ODA SDKs version 2024.12. CMS IntelliCAD IcARX continues to be a pre-release version for members and is highly compatible with AutoCAD® ObjectARX, allowing developers to build applications with a single code base that runs on both platforms..

CMS IntelliCAD 13.1 licenses are available as Perpetual or Lease  Standalone seats, USB dongle seats, Network floating seats or Renewable Subscriptions.